Officials from international embassies, including EU member states, signed and released a joint statement on the aerial attack on KIA base in Hpakant

Officials from international embassies, including EU member states, signed and released a joint statement on the aerial attack on KIA base in Hpakant
Published 26 October 2022

A joint statement signed by international embassy officials, including European Union (EU) member countries, was issued on October 25 regarding the aerial attack on the pre-event of the 62nd KIO Foundation Day held in the Anang Pa area of ​​Hpakant Township, Kachin State.

The statement stated that many people lost their lives due to an airstrike in the Anang Pa area of ​​ Hpakant Township, Kachin State.

Civilians across the country are affecting and suffering. In addition to the crisis and instability in Myanmar, the statement stated that the obligation to protect civilians under international humanitarian law must be emphasized.

It is stated that the joint release was signed by the ambassadors, charge d'affaires of the embassy and the head of the embassy of Australia, Canada, the European Union Embassy in Myanmar and the embassies of the European Union member states, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, and Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) announced on October 25 that the Anang Pa area is not a KIA base, but a small camp lined with shops where travelers can take a short break.

The KIO's press release stated that the aerial attack occurred on the night of October 23 while the civilians were celebrating the KIO's 62nd anniversary.

It is very upset and sad for those who lost their lives and the artists, businessmen and the civilians who were injured in the attack, and they are equally saddened by the bereaved families and the relatives of those who lost their lives, it said.

Regarding this incident, the Tatmadaw announced that the airstrike on the headquarters of KIA Brigade-9 is just a counter-measure act.