No large scale damages caused by YAAS Cyclone in Ayeyawaddy delta region

No large scale damages caused by YAAS Cyclone in Ayeyawaddy delta region
Published 30 May 2021
Aung Kyaw Myo

Hinthada-YAAS cyclone hit Ayeyawaddy delta region but there were no large scale damages according to Ayeyawaddy  region natural disaster management department.

“Due to the cyclone, there were heavy rain and strong wind in Ayeyawaddy Region. Four houses were destroyed in three villages in Haing Gyi island and 3 or 4 houses destroyed in Nyaungdon and Yaykyi villages. Luckily, only a small numbers were destroyed,” said Director Wili Frank from natural disaster management department, Ayeyawaddy Region. 

Cash and other assistances were provided to houses destroyed in YAAS cyclone, he added. Cyclone warning had made prior to the cyclone along Myanmar coastal areas.