Myanmar reports 923 new COVID-19 confirmed cases on Dec 23

Myanmar reports 923 new COVID-19 confirmed cases on Dec 23
Published 24 December 2020

Myanmar found 923 new COVID-19 confirmed patients on December 23 bringing the total number of patients to 118,869 and 23 more people died, announced the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) on the night of December 23.

A total of 23,072 samples are tested between 8 pm of December 22 and 8 pm of December 23 and found 923 confirmed patients, it said.

A total of 1,506 people are allowed to be discharged from the hospital bringing the total number of people to 99,325. 16 out of 23 patients who died on December 23 are the patients with underlying chronic medical conditions. Up to 2,507 patients have died from the virus, it said.

It said 1,662,229 samples were tested till December 23 and found 118,869 patients so far.

A total of 1,217 people, who had close contact with positive patients in Yangon Region and tested negative, are put in home quarantine, it said.