MPC denounces Yangon regional government’s charge against three senior journalists of Weekly Eleven

MPC denounces Yangon regional government’s charge against three senior journalists of Weekly Eleven
The chief editor, the editor in-charge and the chief reporter of Weekly Eleven come to face the charge at Tamwe Township Court. (Photo-Kyi Naing)
The chief editor, the editor in-charge and the chief reporter of Weekly Eleven come to face the charge at Tamwe Township Court. (Photo-Kyi Naing)
Published 12 October 2018
Kyi Naing

Myanmar Press Council (MPC) issued a statement on October 11, saying it strongly denounced Yangon regional government’s charge against three senior journalists of the Weekly Eleven News Journal and Yangon regional government needed to lodge a complaint to the press council first.

The MPC has no right to intervene in the case as the matter has reached the court, but it would like Yangon regional government to review the incident and lodge a complaint to the MPC. The MPC would like to make both sides accept an unpleasant situation, the statement said.

The Section 4 of the Media Law states the news media workers shall have the right – (a) to freely criticize, point out or recommend operating procedures of the legislative, the executive and judiciary in conformity with the constitution (b) to investigate, publish, broadcast information and related opinions to which every citizen is entitled in accordance with rules and regulations (c) to reveal issues relating to rights and privileges lost by the citizen.

The Section 21 says if any of responsibilities or ethics required in Article 9 is considered to be breached by a News Media worker, the aggrieved department, organization or individual shall have the right to complain to the council first.

The Section 12 states the council is the only organization which can perform its tasks independently regarding people from mass media in keeping with regulations stated in this law.

For that reason, the MPC strongly denounced charges against media professionals in use of other laws instead of using the media law. 

Director Aung Kyaw Khaing of Yangon regional government sued chief editor Kyaw Zaw Lin, editor-in-charge Na Yi Min and reporter-in-chief Phyo Wai under Section 505 (b) at Tamwe Township Police Station. The MPC strongly denounced the charge against the senior journalists of Weekly Eleven News Journal, the statement said.

Translated and Edited by Win Htut