Mogoke city invites visitors all year round

Mogoke city invites visitors all year round
Published 11 October 2018
Min Latt

There were 27 visitors that visited Mogoke city and the number may increase in future according to assistant director Saw Tint Lwin, of Mandalay Region Immigration and Population Department.

Visitors now can travel to Mogoke city all the year round but they must come in from Mandalay Mattaya road section and will be permitted to travel only within town area.

“For the foreigners, The President Office has agreed and Mandalay Region Government has also approved it. Previously, Mogoke is a land of prohibited area. The permission must be sought at regions ministry of natural resources and environmental conservation department. Foreigners passport numbers, vehicle number, tour guide license number and company license number are needed. The company also needs to sign pledges for accountability of foreigners. Then, the regional government will approve it. But, visitors can visit only Mogoke , not outside of town. From third of September to date, there were 27 visitors from Japan, China, India, Malaysia, Thai and Americans. I hope there will be more visitors in Mogoke in future," said Saw Tint Lwin.

To be able to visit Mogoke all the year round by foreigners, it will be submitted to Union Government according to Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung  when he attended the 800th Anniversary of the city.

Mogoke is a town about 120 miles north of Mandalay in central Myanmar. It is globally renowned for its jades and gems. It celebrated its 800th Anniversary for three consecutive days  from March 29 to 31.

In previous administration, travels to this region by foreigners were banned. The population of Mogoke is only over 200,000, with Bamar, Shan, Lisu, Gurkha, Sikh (Buddhist), Hindu, Muslim, Taang, Palaung, Chin and Kachin races and religions coexisting.

“As there is no extension of permit for mine digging in the area, so, business has been slow. Another business for the city is the tourism industry, I think. If the tourism industry flourishes, there may be job opportunities for local youths and socio-economy will be better. Here are many natural resources and beauty and local food which international travelers can enjoy, said Moegyoke resident Min Thu.