Military Bases and Township Police Station attacked in Kunlong, northern Shan State

Military Bases and Township Police Station attacked in Kunlong, northern Shan State
Published 13 November 2023

The Military Bases and Township Police Station were attacked in Kunlong, northern Shan State as well as Kunlong Bridge was damaged during the fighting, according to local sources.

Concerning the attacks on the police station and military bases in Kunlong, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) posted on their Facebook pages with the photos saying that the Kunlong Township was under control of MNDAA.

However, Spokesperson of State Administration Council (SAC) Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said that the MNDAA took the photos at the places where secuirty has not been tightened accoriding to a military strategy.

“In Kunlong, some places have loose security in accordance with our military strategy. However, the MNDAA stealthily took photos of the above places. The military is now carrying out regional security tasks in Hsenwi Township. On November 11, there were shootings coming from the outskirt areas of Loikaw Township in Kayah State and then the military launched counter-attacks on the bases of insurgents and the bodies and weapons were also left. In previous days, the KIA and PDF members came into the downtown of Htigyaing Township, Sagaing Region. But, we, the military, launched a counter attack on them and we captured their bodies and many weapons,” said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

He also said that there was ongoing fighting near Parsinkyaw village in Kokang region, north-east of Shan State until yesterday night. Moreover, the MNDAA aimed to cause misunderstanding between the two countries. So, they had attacked the displaced persons who arrived at the border post No.125. He also acknowledged the military personnel, members of Myanmar Police Force and militias who sacrificed for protection of people’s lives and properties, maintaining the state’s sovereignty and also thanked. Similarly, the SAC will be building a peaceful country.

The SAC issued an order on November 12 that the martial law already has been imposed in eight townships including Kunlong Township of northern Shan State.