Ayeyawady River water levels expected to exceed critical mark once in ten towns during mid-rainy season: DMH

Ayeyawady River water levels expected to exceed critical mark once in ten towns during mid-rainy season: DMH
Photo - Thet Tun Aung
Photo - Thet Tun Aung
Published 30 June 2024

The water levels of the Ayeyawady River in Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, NyaungU and Seiktha townships may reach above the danger levels once in the middle of the rainy season, announced the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) on June 28.

According to the forecast, the water levels may exceed their respective danger levels one time each at Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, NyaungU and Seiktha, two times each at Hinthada and Zalun of Ayeyawady River, and one times each at Hkamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawleik, Kalewa, Minkin, Kani and Monywa of Chindwin River, one time at Myitnge of Dokehtawady River, one time at Madauk of Sittoung River, one time at Shwegyin of Shwegyin River, one time at Bago of Bago River, one time at Hpa-an of Thanlwin River, one time at Myawady of Thaungyin River, one time at Ngathaingchaung of Ngawun River, one time at Maubin of Toe River, one time at MraukU of Lay Myo River and one time at Bilin of Bilin River respectively. 

According to the water level forecast for third Dekad of June, the water levels may rise above the present water level by about 5-8 foot at Myitkyina, Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing and Myinmu, about 3-5 foot at Pakokku, NyaungU, Chauk, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, Hinthada and Zalun of Ayeyawady River, about 3-5 foot at Hkamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawleik, Kalewa, Minkin, Kani and Monywa of Chindwin River, about 2 feet at Kalay of Myittha River, about 1-3 foot at Hsipaw and Shwesaryan, about 5 feet at Myitnge of Dokhtawady River, about 1-2 foot at Taungoo and Madauk of Sittoung River, about 1 foot at Shwegyin of Shwegyin River, about 2-3 foot at Zaungtu and Bago of Bago River, about 2 feet at Hpa-an of Thanlwin River, about 2 feet at Myawady of Thaungyin River, about 2-4 foot at Ngathaungchaung, Thabaung and Pathein of Ngawun River, about 2 feet at Maubin of Toe River, and about 3 feet at Bilin of Bilin River.