Thai authorities raid and dismantle PDF support office in Mae Sot

Thai authorities raid and dismantle PDF support office in Mae Sot
Published 12 June 2024

On June 10, Thai authorities raided and dismantled a PDF (People’s Defence Force) support office in Mae Sot, Thailand.

Footage of the raid showed Thai authorities ordering the immediate removal of flags and photographs inside the office.

During the search, a Myanmar woman from the support group told authorities they could say whatever they wanted if flags and photographs were present during their next visit. However, a Thai official, appearing impatient, kicked one of the Myanmar nationals in the office.

The office was reportedly operated by the Spring Angel Revolution Support Group.

An official from the group informed RFA that the raid occurred because the State Administration Council (SAC) had reported the office to the Thai government.

“They forcibly entered the office without my permission. They ordered the removal of all the cherished photographs, flags, and commendation certificates. While residing in Thailand, we complied with Thai laws and removed everything they asked for. However, without saying anything, they kicked me,” the group official told RFA.

The SAC has not issued any statement regarding this incident.