Lawyers to help those arrested in 22nd Street protest in Mandalay

Lawyers to help those arrested in 22nd Street protest in Mandalay
Lawyers making list of arrested protesters at Aungmyaythazan Township Court
Lawyers making list of arrested protesters at Aungmyaythazan Township Court
Published 9 March 2021
Yin Myo Thwe

Police crackdown on the sit-in protest on 22nd Street in Mandalay city has led to arrests of 92 protestors.

Following the arrests, lawyers on March 8 started making the list at Aungmyaythazan Township Court to help the arrested protestors if they face charges. 

A sit-in protest was staged at the corner of 22nd and 88th streets in Aungmyaythazan Township on the morning of March 7 and joined by people from all walks of life such as teachers and students, doctors, nurses, students and members of student unions from various universities, lawyers, political forces and members of civil society organizations and the public.    

Security forces violently broke up the protest triggering injuries and arrests. Those arrested were also beaten with batons, according to local sources.  

Since the protest so far, over 90 protesters have been arrested and they will reportedly be remanded and face charges at Aungmyaythazan Township Court. 

Regarding the 22nd Street protest, families of the arrestees have given us a list of around 90. We are here at the court collecting the names so that we can help them if they are to be charged. In the crackdown on the shipyard protest also, over 70 people were charged under Section 505 (a) of the penal code of Myanmar at Mahaaungmyay Township Court. We don’t know yet what charges will come from this incident,” said a lawyer.