Heavy rains and whirlwinds cause house collapses and landslides in Myeik, injuring two

Heavy rains and whirlwinds cause house collapses and landslides in Myeik, injuring two
Published 29 September 2023

Heavy rains and whirlwinds caused house collapses and landslides in Myeik and two people were injured, sources said.

On September 28, heavy rains and some whirlwinds caused landslides, house collapses, and floods in low-lying areas in some neighborhoods and villages in Myeik.

A landslide occurred at Kyauk Nyi Mountain in Pale Thwe Ward, Kyawe Ku Village, Myeik Township, causing two houses at the foot of the mountain collapsed, and an elderly woman and a young girl were trapped. Authorities had to carry out rescue operations.

"Two houses collapsed due to landslides in Kyawe Ku Village. Two people received minor injuries and were sent to the hospital. In the expansion area at Myeik Mountain area, houses were damaged by the whirlwind. In the low-lying areas, due to heavy rains, roads overflowed and water entered homes. There were landslides in Kyauk Pyar Village as well," said a local.

According to the weather forecasts, strong monsoon winds will blow in Taninthari Region and heavy rains will occur. Due to the whirlwinds, the Southwest Monsoon may strengthen again in the southern regions of Myanmar.