H1N1 death toll reaches 87

H1N1 death toll reaches 87
Published 6 August 2019

Till August 3, the number of H1N1 death toll reached 87 and 457 cases were detected, according to the figures from the Ministry of Health and Sports. 

Out of 319 people with Influenza-Like Illness (ILI), 72 people had A (H1N1), 12, A (H3N2) and eight, Influenza B from January to August 3. Of 781 people with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI), 331 people had A (H1N1), 14, A (H3N2) and 21, Influenza B. 

An official of the Central Infectious Diseases Control Division at the Public Health Department said: “Till August 3, 1099 people conducted the lab tests nationwide. There were 457 laboratory-confirmed cases and 87 deaths. Sixty-three deaths were reported in Yangon, eight in Ayeyawady, five in Bago,  three each in Mon and Sagaing, two in Magway and one each in Rakhine, Kachin and southern Shan State. 

The transmission of Influenza (A) H1N1 and the death toll has declined gradually. A total of 212 hospitalized patients infected with H1N1 have recovered, according to the weekly coordination meeting the surveillance, prevention and control of seasonal flu, held in Nay Pyi Taw on August 2. 

Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr. Myint Htwe said: “The ministry will continue to speed up the works for the surveillance and response to outbreaks. It needs to distribute educational pamphlets to highway passengers.