Government buildings including USDP office and restaurant torched in Magway’s Saw Township

Government buildings including USDP office and restaurant torched in Magway’s Saw Township
Published 5 February 2022

MAGWAY-------Government buildings such as the offices of Agriculture, Fire Service Department, Forest department and Municipal as well as the office of Union Solidarity and Development Party(USDP) and a restaurant were set on fire after shooting took place in Saw Township, Magway Region, according to the locals from Saw Township.

The shooting started in Saw Township, yesterday early morning and then the government buildings were torched.

“We heard gunfire since 4am of January 4th. The agriculture department, forest department, fire services department, municipal department as well as USDP office and a restaurant were burnt. We didn’t know whether there will be casualties and injuries or not,” said a local from Saw Township.

“The shooting began over 12 am of January 4th. Later, the gunfire stopped around 6am. There had been burning but there was no casualty. We heard that the arson attack was carried out by Saw People’s Defence Force,” said another local from Saw Township.

The news saying that USDP’s office and a restaurant were torched in Saw Township already spread through on Social media.

So, the EMG asked USDP’s spokesperson Dr Nanda Hla Myint the setting fire to the USDP office and a restaurant. He replied that he found the news about setting fire on the Online Media. But, he didn’t know about the news because he was travelling.

The State Administration Council didn’t release a statement on setting fire to the government building in Saw Township until yesterday evening.