Fishery officer shot dead at tea shop in Ye Township

Fishery officer shot dead at tea shop in Ye Township
Published 18 October 2023
Bo Bo Myint

The head of the Ye Township Fisheries Department in Mon State was shot and killed while sitting at a tea shop in Ye at about 7:30 am today, local sources say.

A local resident said that a motorcyclist arrived and fired a gun at U Zaw Naing Lin while he was alone at Phu Tea Shop in Yangyi Aung Ward.

"The gunman arrived on a motorcycle Wave-125, fired three times, and ran towards Ye District People’s Hospital,” he added.

U Zaw Naing Lin was reported to have died at the scene with gunshot wounds, and his body was taken to Ye District People’s Hospital by a local charity association.

There have been frequent shootings in Ye Township. On October 10, U Aye Lwin (aka) Ko Lat, the administrator of Aung Mitta Ward, was shot and killed. On October 11, also, U Aung Thu (aka) U Sithu living in Thiri Malar Ward was still shot near the village of Falam, local residents said.

As departmental buildings, security forces, civil servants, ward/village administrators and local civilians have been frequently attacked and killed in Ye Township, which is located in the South-East Military Command, the State Administration Council has announced the exercise of martial law in the township since February 2 this year.