Cyclone “TITLI” to intensify within 24 hrs

Cyclone “TITLI” to intensify within 24 hrs
Published 10 October 2018
San Htoo Aung

Cyclone “TITLI” that formed in Bay of Bengal may intensify into a severe storm within 24 hours, announced Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

According to observations made on October 9 by the DMH, the deep depression over the west central Bay of Bengal has moved to west-northwestwards and it has intensified into a cyclonic storm codenamed “TITLI”. It is centered at about 280 miles south-southeast of Gopalpur and about 250 miles southeast of Kalingapatinam of India. The cyclone is not likely to move to Myanmar and is classified as yellow danger status.

“The storm will enter India and reach to Bangladesh before disappearing. However its effect will cause more rainfall in upper areas of Myanmar. It will become a cyclonic storm on the night of October 9. We are still observing it and it is likely to enter India on October 10 or 11,” said Dr Kyaw Moe Oo, Director General of the DMH.

The storm is located latitude at 14.8º N and longitude 86.7º E. It has 998 Hectopascal in its center. The maximum wind speed is at 45 mph.

Rain or thundershowers will be scattered to widespread in Na Pyi Taw, Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway regions, Kachin, Shan, Chin and Rakhine states and regionally heavy falls.

Occasional squalls with rough seas will be experienced deltaic, off and along Rakhine coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach 40 mph, according to the DMH.