An interview with Nan Su Yati Soe

An interview with Nan Su Yati Soe
Singer cum actress Nan Su Yati Soe ( Credit - Nan Su Yati Soe Facebook)
Singer cum actress Nan Su Yati Soe ( Credit - Nan Su Yati Soe Facebook)
Published 18 October 2018
Phoe Chan

Singer cum actress Nan Su Yati Soe's latest single "May May Su Hmar Soe Lo" received over one million views online in just one day after being uploaded.

Q: I think you're very happy that your song was a huge success.

A: Of course. I'm extremely ecstatic that it was very successful. It is not only me that made it happen but everyone that took part in the creation of this music video. The songwriters, technical staffs, directors to the actors that took contributed to the video - I thank them very much. I think the success of my music video reaching more than one million views is also partly thanks to my fans that have been waiting to see it even before the video was finished. Of course, to everyone that had Liked, Shared and Commented on my video..I would like to thank every single one of you.

Q: What will your next step be as an artist?

A: Since it is now the fair weather season, there are a couple of live shows that I will be participating in. So I will be performing in live shows both local and abroad. There is also another Music Video in the works that I will be acting in. There are also advertisements as well as several programs that I'll be doing. As for new songs, I'm currently working on it.

 Q: Did you and your boyfriend G Fatt worked together to create songs?

A: The idea behind my songs partly comes from some of the things that we say to each other since we spend time together regularly. Sometimes some of those things go to his songs and sometimes mine. We would talk to each other a lot and many of those conversations go towards becoming songs.

So since he is always close by me - he is aware of me and my lifestyle. So he could compose songs from that. There are some things that I've told him about as well because I wanted them to be part of the song. What we say to each other and how we communicate with each other were essentially transformed into songs.

Q: How do you guys support each other as professional artists?

A:  We support each other. From the point of conception of a song to the finishing lines of the video being uploaded on the internet, he has been helping out with everything from the sound design to the storyboard. He would even come to the scene of the shooting to observe and contribute. When it is his turn, I help out the same way. I concentrate mostly on the storyboard since it is my strong suit. I would brainstorm and decide on the good and the bad of a story by being a busybody and dish out good advices.

I would also listen to his songs, as a fan, and is able to provide constructive feedback to him. I provide good advices on the regular.

Transalated and Edited by Phoe Chan