All universities to open on Nov 23

All universities to open on Nov 23
Published 18 October 2023

Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe said that universities will accept enrollments from November 16 and all universities will open on November 23.

He said this while meeting university rectors via video conference system and discussing business guidelines on October 16.

The Union Minister said the five-point road map and nine objectives of the State Administration Council will be further clarified to all university employees. It is necessary to pay attention to the improvement of the character of the universities. The universities will have to accept enrollments on November 16. We want to receive school enrollments from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm every day without any holidays. All universities will be opened on November 23. For the students to be able to study in peace, we must prepare in advance from now on. In the near future, the central level and regional level sports competitions will be held in the three areas of education such as basic education, higher education and teacher education as a national sports activity of the Ministry of Education.

Next, in April 2024, literacy activities will be carried out in the form of a nationwide national campaign, so university teachers and all the students to work together in unity. The Ministry of Education and department guidelines must be followed and implemented. He wants the university employees to systematically carry out educational management activities for the development of their universities.

After that, Deputy Minister Dr Zaw Myint explained the work to be done, and Permanent Secretary Dr Soe Win and Director General of the Department of Higher Education Dr Win Tun discussed the next steps.

Deputy Ministers Dr Zaw Myint and Dr Moe Zaw Tun, Permanent Secretary, Director Generals of Departments in the Ministry of Education, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Director Generals and university rectors attended the meeting.