Admiral Tin Aung San visits Yangon military training schools, emphasizes militia service importance

Admiral Tin Aung San visits Yangon military training schools, emphasizes militia service importance
Published 12 June 2024

Admiral Tin Aung San, Chairman of the Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants, visited military training schools in Inndaing and Taikkyi stations in Yangon Region yesterday to meet militia trainees and provide encouragement.

Joining him were Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, the deputy commander of Yangon Command, regional government ministers, senior military officials, and commandants of Military Training Schools.

Admiral Tin Aung San addressed the trainees, emphasizing the significance of their militia service, offering guidance on overcoming training challenges, and providing words of encouragement. He highlighted the importance of the Military Service Law enacted in November 2010 and the recent notices issued in February 2024 to implement it.

Stressing the voluntary nature of militia service, Admiral Tin Aung San welcomed the trainees and emphasized their crucial role in national defense. 

He underscored the need for physical and mental preparedness, citing Tatmadaw’s commitment to protect the State and its citizens.

He also presented sports equipment to the commandant on behalf of the Union Government, while Chief Minister U Soe Thein provided food supplies to the trainees.

The enactment of the Military Service Law in November 2010 and its recent implementation signify the government’s commitment to national defense. Military service training courses have been successfully initiated across various regions and states, further bolstering the nation’s defense capabilities.