UEC notifies NLD and SNLD to be audited and threatens to take action if they do not comply with the Political Parties Registration Law

UEC notifies NLD and SNLD to be audited and threatens to take action if they do not comply with the Political Parties Registration Law
Published 24 February 2022

The National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) have been notified to submit their party audits before March 9, according to the Union Election Commission (UEC).

Of the four parties announced to be edited on February 14, only two parties were examined, but the NLD and SNLD rejected the audit, according to the UEC.

If the NLD and SNLD fail to come and be inspected and complied with in accordance with Section 24 (a) of the Political Parties Registration Law before March 9, 2022, action will be taken in accordance with Section 24 (c), (d) and (e), according to the UEC,

Section 24 (a) of the Political Parties Registration Law stipulates that the Election Commission may instruct a party to comply with any existing law within a specific time if it finds that it has not complied with any existing law.

If the party fails to comply with the directive, action will be taken in accordance with the law, including the cancellation and abolition of party registration.

Section 24 (c) of the Political Parties Registration Law states that a party that fails to comply with the instructions may be suspended for up to three years from the registration of a political party by the commission.

Section 24 (d) of the Political Parties Registration Law states that the suspended party shall suspend all other activities of the party except as directed by the commission during the period of suspension.

Section 24 (e) of the Political Parties Registration Law states that the commission shall dissolve the party from registration as a political party and disband the party if it fails to comply with the directive until the end of the suspension period.

The UEC formed an inspection team consisting of the representatives from the Office of the Auditor General, the Internal Revenue Department and the Bureau of Special Investigation is start compiled a list of party members of political parties and party's fund accounts from the end of August 2021.

So far, 67 political parties in various regions and states have been inspected and eight parties based in Yangon Region are being investigated during February, announced the UEC.