UEC and Wa discuss holding an election in UWSA’s controlled areas

UEC and Wa discuss holding an election in UWSA’s controlled areas
Celebration of 30th anniversary of Ceasefire Agreement in Wa held in Panghsang
Celebration of 30th anniversary of Ceasefire Agreement in Wa held in Panghsang
Published 4 March 2020

Officials from Union Election Commission (UEC) and United Wa State Party (UWSP) are discussed to hold a general election in four townships including its headquarters Panghsang controlled by the United Wa State Army (UWSA), sources said.

WSTV reported that UEC delegation led by Hla Thein, Chairperson of the UEC and the UWSP leaders led by Xiao Mingliang, Vice Chairman of the party met at the UWSP’s headquarters based in Panghsang Township on February 27.

Although the election was held in two townships which were controlled by the government previously, now they are discussing to hold an election in four townships controlled by the Wa, said Nyi Rang, in-charge of UWSA liaison office in Lashio.

“The four townships under the Wa control are Mong Mau, Pang Wai, Nah Parn and Panghsang and the general election was held in Met Man and Hopang controlled by the government previously,” he said.

The report of WSTV stated the Chairperson of the UEC explained the election to hold in four townships in Wa controlled areas, to be elected in the election, to select candidates and to have the right to vote.

The report said Vice Chairman of the UWSP replied to the UEC that they will cooperate with the UEC in 2020 general election.

Xiao Mingliang added the UWSP is expecting the visit of Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the current ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), to Wa Self-Administered Division.

He explain the benefits of 30th anniversary of Ceasefire Agreement in Wa and the political objectives of the UWSP/UWSA to the UEC chairperson and he proposed eight facts which will be accorded with the current situation in Wa Self-Administered Division for the general election.

According to 2008 Constitution, two districts were formed with Hopang, Mong Mau, Pang Wai, Nah Parn, Met Man and Panghsang as Wa Self-Administered Division.