Two presiding monks arrested in Sagaing

Two presiding monks arrested in Sagaing
Published 27 September 2022

NAYPYITAW-----The Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services announced a statement on September 24th that two abbots were arrested in Sagaing Region on September 23rd.

The presiding sayadaw from Yinkyaung monastery in Maukgyoe village, Wetlet Township, Sagaing Region together with Htet Myat Naing left for Mongywa Township by car aiming to make diagnosis. On arrival near the cemetery, about 30 people obstructed the car carrying the monk and his layperson and they accused the monk of “ Military Informant” [Dalan]. Later, they captured the monk with his car but they released his layperson Htet Myat Naing.

When the presiding sayadaw from Shwe Inn monastery in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Region, stayed at the monastery together with his brother and his driver, about 60 peoples holding guns and knives came into the monastery. Later, they captured three men including the Sayadaw accusing of military informants.

The security members are now striving to rescue the detained peoples including two abbots.