Two people killed in an explosion occurs in front of the Hpa-an Municipal Office

Two people killed in an explosion occurs in front of the Hpa-an Municipal Office
Published 13 January 2022

Two people were killed in an explosion near a black van parked in front of the Hpa-an Township Development Office in Kayin State at around 2:15 pm on January 10.

Two men riding on a motorcycle approached the Township Development Office on Thanlwin Road, Ward 4, Hpa-an Township and a bomb exploded near a black van parked in front of the office. They were killed in the blast, police said.

The blast damaged their motorcycle and a black Toyota Caldina van parked in front of the Township Development Office.

The Tatmadaw, police and relevant officials came to investigate.

A man carrying a bomb and his accomplice arrived in front of the Township Development Office on an unregistered motorcycle and the bomb accidentally exploded in his hand. The blast damaged the van and their motorcycle.

A national registration card (NRC) was found near the body.

The man and his unknown accomplice are being prosecuted for plotting with an explosive device to kill.