Two killed as truck turns over on Dawna mountain road in Kayin State

Two killed as truck turns over on Dawna mountain road in Kayin State
Published 17 February 2022
Ko Shwe Thein (Myawaddy)

MYAWADDY----Two people was killed and one got severe injury in a truck accident on Dawna mountain road in Kayin State yesterday morning, according to the sources.

Truck carrying millet was travelling from Kawtkayeik Township to Myawaddy when it turned over on Myawaddy-Kawtkayeik road in Kayin State.

So, the Myawaddy District Fire Services Department, Thingannyinaung Fire Services Department and relevant organizations carried out rescue works at the accident.

“The trucks have to turn over at the steep slope. Although the social organizations including fire services departments rescued the victims from the truck with the help of Karain machine, the driver and his wife died in an accident” said Set Paing Aung from Thingannyinaung Social Welfare and Rescue Team in Myawaddy Township.

Two dead bodies and injured person were sent to Myawaddy People’s Hospital by a vehicle from Thingannyinaung Myothit Social Welfare and Rescue Team. Later, the Thingannyinaung Social Welfare and Rescue Team will be sending two dead bodies to Thanlyin Township, Yangon Region.

The road accidents frequently occurred on Myawaddydawna Mountain road. That’s why, the drivers are needed to drive carefully on the road.