Thai authorities raid AAC refugee home

Thai authorities raid AAC refugee home
Published 12 October 2018
Nyan Win Shein

Thai authorities unexpectedly raided the refugee home of Aid Alliance Committee (AAC), an organization helping Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand, and cut water and electricity supply from the building, making over 100 migrant workers life difficult.

The refugee home was built by funds from Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand so that Myanmar citizens that are in trouble in Thailand can take refuge there with the help from AAC.

“We don’t know their intention behind the raid of the refugee home but they seemed to have shut it down; a home which was always providing help for Myanmar migrant workers. More than 100 migrant workers are facing difficulties as the authorities cut water and electricity supplies. Among them, there are infants. They are pressuring us to not look after the affairs of Myanmar workers in Thailand. We want Myanmar leaders to know about this incident,” said Ye Min from the AAC.

Khaing Gyi, Director of the AAC said there are Myanmar migrant workers, who are suing their employers in order to receive compensations for work-related injuries while living in the refugee home.

“They are facing legal trials and they have nowhere to stay. They have to stay in the refugee home even though now, there is no more water and electricity in there,” said Khaing Gyi.

Mahachai based AAC is helping Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand and is said to have played a key role in helping Myanmar workers receive compensation of over 70 million Baht for reasons such as injuries sustained from hazardous working conditions.