SAC Vice-Senior General Soe Win stresses thorough preparation for Dawei SEZ MOI to ensure mutual benefits

SAC Vice-Senior General Soe Win stresses thorough preparation for Dawei SEZ MOI to ensure mutual benefits
Published 25 May 2024

Vice-Senior General Soe Win of State Administration Council (SAC) emphasized the importance of thorough preparation and discussion to ensure the Memorandum of Interest (MOI) for the Dawei Special Economic Zone to make it a win-win situation for both parties.

 SAC Vice-Chairman, Vice-Senior General Soe Win presides over the first meeting of the Central Committee on Myanmar Special Economic Zones 2024-2025 Financial Year in Nay Pyi Taw on May 23.

He said that concerning Dawei Special Economic Zone, and SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) formed among Japan, Thailand and Myanmar, he pointed out things to discuss and do what should be done.

 Similarly, regarding the signing of the MOI (Memorandum Of Interest) that will be conducted soon regarding Dawei Special Economic Zone, he highlighted the need for detailed examination by procedural and legal experts to make it a win-win situation for both parties. He also stressed the significance of considering long-term development and careful coordination.

Furthermore, he added that, like the successful Thilawa Economic Zone and the already operational Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone, efforts must be intensified to attract more investment to the Dawei Economic Zone.

He also noted that among Myanmar's three special economic zones, the Thilawa Special Economic Zone stands out as a success, with investments exceeding two billion US dollars. However, he emphasized that compared to neighboring and other Southeast Asian countries, this investment amount is still relatively low. He stressed the importance of not being complacent with the current achievements and called for stringent management at all levels to prevent misuse of funds and poor management. Therefore, he urged those responsible to work diligently towards further success for the Kyauk Phyu, Dawei, and Thilawa SEZs.

Furthermore, Secretary of the Central Task Force on Myanmar Special Economic Zone and chairmen of the management committee of Thilawa, Kyauk Phyu and Dawei SEZs, read and presented the papers submitted to the central committee meeting on Myanmar Special Economic Zone and obtained approval.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, chairmen of management committee from Thilawa , Kyauk Phyu and Dawei Special Economic Zones; Director-Generals and officials.

Yangon Region, Taninthayi Region and Rakhine State Chief Ministers attended by video conference system.