“Stay at Home” order imposes in Chaungzon

“Stay at Home” order imposes in Chaungzon
Published 26 August 2021
Bo Bo Myint

Up to five townships in Mon State had been declared as “Stay at Home” townships as Ministry of Health imposed “Stay at Home” order in Chaungzon Township on August 24, sources said.

Residents of Chaungzon Township (excluding government employees) are required to live in their own homes and people who are working in private services such as banking and financial services, fuel stations, food and cold storage factories; Manufacture and distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, production and distribution of purified water and factories producing personal care items are not included in the order, it said.

In addition, organizations and companies have to do business from home and citizens included in the “Stay at home” order are required to stay at home and only one person per house should go shopping except for those who go to work in government departments, organizations, companies and factories. If you have to go to a hospital or clinic, only two people per house are allowed. They have to wear a mask to go out of the house. Only vehicles that will transport personnel on duty and vehicles that are allowed to pass through are allowed to pass through the area. In addition to the driver, one more person is allowed in the vehicle for shopping in the neighborhood and two more people are allowed in the vehicle to go to the hospital, it said.

Also, if someone wants to travel for emergency cases, he or she must report to the relevant ward administration members to get permission. Failure to comply with the order will result in disciplinary action under existing laws, which will be effected from 4 am on August 25, it said.

From June 28 to August 24, there were 1,114 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Chaungzon Township and 89 of them are died, according to the ministry.

The ministry imposed “Stay at Home” order in Mawlamyine, Thaton and Thanbyuzayat townships on July 8 and Bilin Township on August 3.