Security tightened in Kawkareik after shooting

Security tightened in Kawkareik after shooting
Security measures in place in Kawkareik
Security measures in place in Kawkareik
Published 8 September 2020
Ko Shwe Thein (Myawady)

Security has been tightened in Kawkareik town of Kayin State with the deployment of military troops, police and border guard force (BGF) members after a shooting incident on September 4.

Authorities closed an illegal game center opened by an armed group in Ward-7, Kawkareik, on September 3 leading to a shoot out near Kawkareik Park on September 4. On the night of the same day, both sides exchanged fire for nearly one hour in Kwatthit Ward sparking public concern over further clashes. 

Fighting occurred near Yangok Village to the north of Kawkareik at about 3.30 pm on September 4. BGF members also join the military troops in the fighting. 

Major Khin Maung Win from BGF Station (4) said security was being tightened to reduce public concern. 

“Beginning September 6, a combined tem formed with local battalion troops, police and our BGF troops have been patrolling in the town every night. Local people have been concerned about further clashes after recent fights. We patrol the town from 8 pm to dawn daily,” he said. 

The fighting started in the Methawaw region in early September in 2016, forcing over 5,200 people from over 30 villages to stay at IDP camps in Myainggyingu. And they are still there. 

Resumed fighting broke out on September 2 after an unknown group killed two military personnel while on security duty at a communication tower on old Myawady-Kawkareik Road and planted a mine under the dead bodies that also claimed the deaths of one army captain and one soldier. There had been skirmishes until September 5.