New UEC seeks suggestions from political parties over initiation of PR system

New UEC seeks suggestions from political parties over initiation of PR system
Published 2 March 2021

The new Union Election Commission has sent a letter dated February 28 to Myanmar political parties to submit their reviews and suggestions about proportional representation (PR), one of the electoral systems. 

According to the letter, such suggestions are being sought after some parties suggested that the existing FPTP system (first-past-the-post) should be replaced with PR during a coordination meeting between the UEC and political parties on February 26. 

The commission has invited their suggestions as to when and for which parliament the PR should be adopted. 

On February 26, the National Democratic Force (NDF) made a proposal to use the PR system instead of FPTP, and three other parties discussed in support of the proposal. 

“I first submitted this proposal to review the electoral system. I said we could not go with the old electoral system to ensure all-inclusiveness. The remaining parties discussed in favour and some made such a demand,” said NDF secretary Aung Zin, who attended the meeting. 

His party submitted a similar proposal during the first parliament but it didn’t work. 

In its letter, the UEC said the papers the political parties submitted would be discussed and reviewed in next meetings. 

The first coordination meeting between the new UEC led by Thein Soe and political parties took place on February 26. It was attended by 53 political parties including the Union Solidarity and Development Party and People’s Pioneer Party. However, 38 parties including the National League for Democracy, People’s Party and Shan Nationalities League for Democracy.  

When contacted, some of the parties that did not attend the UEC meeting said they would not cooperate in the adoption of the PR system.