More power projects under way

More power projects under way
Published 2 May 2019

Construction works for electricity projects that will electrify more than 75,000 households in seven regions and states, will complete within one and a half year, said Union Minister for Electricity and Energy Win Khaing, at a ceremony to sign the contracts with tender-winning companies for the construction of power grids for the National Electrification Plan (NEP) being implemented with the World Bank’s loan on April 30.

Under these contracts, a total of 75,554 households will have electricity access—20,292 Yangon Region, 3,519 in Sagaing Region, 9,435 households in Magway Region, 1,044 in northern Shan State, 4,200 in Kayin State, 1,322 in Mon State and 35,742 in Mandalay, the Union Minister said.

These construction projects have started in January, 2019 and will complete in June, 2020.

“There are 10.877 million households in Myanmar. Till November, 2018, only 4.709 million households (43 per cent) have electricity access. The ministry has made all-out efforts to satisfy additional power demands, using the Union budget and region and state budgets including oversea loans. In  November, 2019, more than 50 per cent of households across the country will have electricity access,” he added.

Currently, Myanmar’s power production is about 3,800 MW. The ministry plans to generate additional 3,000 MW in the next three years.

The country’s annual power demand is increasing at a rate of 19 per cent. Currently, the power production has increased by between 300 MW and 500 MW. Short-and long-term plans are required to fully satisfy the country’s annual power demand.

Under the NEP, the ministry has set a goal of electrifying the whole country by 2030.