Ministry redrafts the natural disaster management law

Ministry redrafts the natural disaster management law
Published 31 July 2019

The ministry is rewriting the natural disaster management law, said Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, at the opening ceremony of the “Seminar on Disaster Prevention Management and Recovery Techniques”, at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on July 30. 

“As part of its effort to pay special attention to the natural disaster, Myanmar exercises the new disaster management system. The reason is the rule of law and socio-economic development included in the country’s objectives is the major expectation. Our projects should be in conformity with the law. Following the law is important. We have already had the natural disaster management law. We are working to redraft the natural disaster management law in order to add the new management systems to the law and ensure the extensive use of technologies,” Dr. Win Myat Aye added. 

Not only natural disasters but also man-made disasters can undermine the socio-economic development. The ministry is taking preventive measures against disasters as the rehabilitation works cause a heavy burden, thereby undermining the socio-economic development.

The world climate is changing. Myanmar is experiencing the impacts of climate change. The dangers of climate change is more severe. In addition, unexpected cases may occur. It changes in terms of forms and extents. So we need to change our management systems, he added. 

Myanmar has formed the national natural disaster management committee chaired by  the Vice-President-2, under which there are 12 work committee chaired by the relevant Union Ministers, he said.