Low-cost restaurant in Taunggyi attracts many customers

Low-cost restaurant in Taunggyi attracts many customers
Published 9 December 2021

A low-cost restaurant, which sells a K700 bowl meal, is opened in Kyaunggyisu ward, Taunggyi on December 8.

A 700-kyat food stall has been opened at Mother's Home grocery store near Yayhawwah School on Pearl Road, Kyaunggyisu Ward, Taunggyi and many customers came.

The restaurant is opened daily from 11 am to 3 pm.

For consumers, the restaurant is used Paw Hsan Hmwe rice and sunflower oil. The owner of the restaurant said he avoids using artificial sweetening agent for seasoning food.

"I am encouraged to open the K700 restaurant by a man who opened a low-cost restaurant in Yangon. In the ward I am living, there are many workers earning a bare living. We started selling it from the previous day. First, we planned to sell each meal with K500. However, we changed the price as it is not good for long term. We accepted orders and sent them in food carriers. You can eat each meal for K700. The meal included a meat curry, roselle soup, a side dish, sesame pickle and ngapi (fish paste). There will be four curries every day. You can eat as much rice as you like. The details of the cost per day have not been calculated yet. Yesterday's cooking was a test. No opening date has been announced yet. Yesterday, there were not many customers. But we had a lot of orders. There are employees and they ordered rice and curries from us,” said Shine Lin Aung, the owner of the restaurant.

It is gratifying to see the emergence of a K700 restaurant that can be enjoyed by all classes of people. One customer said he wanted such shops to open in every city.

It is learned that there are three such kind of restaurants in Taunggyi: Taunggyi Station Market, Mother's Home grocery store and United Bar.

The restaurant in Taunggyi station market sells only every Tuesdays mainly for vendors inside the market.

The next restaurant to be opened is United Bar, which will open on December 11 and sell K500 bowl meal, and will be open on Mondays and Fridays.