Former military officer shot dead in Bahan Township

Former military officer shot dead in Bahan Township
Published 30 April 2023

A retired army officer was shot dead in Kyaikkasan Ward, Bahan Township, Yangon Region, at about 10am on April 29, local sources said.

The victim was a retired major living in Kyaikkasan Ward and working as a company manager, according to initial reports.  

“The shooting occurred in front of Thukha Kyaw Pharmacy in Ngamauk Street, Kyaikkasan Ward. He was driving a red Suzuki Swift when he was shot. Bullet holes were found on the windshield of the car. He was said to be a former army officer,” said a resident in Bahan Township.   

The sources said that the man was shot by two unidentified men. They then fled away.  

The car windshield was seen with bullet holes and damaged. The car was seated in the street until 2.30pm.  

The army officer was found dead with two bullets piercing the chest and one piercing the back, NOM news agency reported.