Fighting continues in surrounding areas of northern Shan State

Fighting continues in surrounding areas of northern Shan State
Published 31 October 2023

The State Administration Council (SAC) announced that fighting is ongoing around Lashio, Theinni, Kutkai, Muse, Kyugok, Mongko, Phaungsai, Kunlong districts, Laukkai and Chinahwehaw of northern Shan State.

The SAC’s Information Team reported that the combined-armed groups: KIA, MNDAA and AA launched attacks on military outposts in Northern Shan State and north-east areas since October 27. 

Three combined-armed groups simultaneously struck the battalion and regional security outposts in Lashio, Theinni, Kutkai, Muse, Kyugok, Mongko, Phaungsai, Kunlong districts, Laukkai and Chinahwehaw. Moreover, they aimed to shoot and kill the innocent people, to halt border trade and to cut transportation access. So, there has been fighting between military and three alliance armed groups since October 27 to October 30, according to the SAC.

Major General Zaw Min Tun from SAC’s Information Team said that fighting is taking place around nearby towns of northern Shan State. Due to coordinated attacks, police outposts were seized and militants were killed. So, the military is now carrying out counter-attacks on armed groups. 

“We are now striving to gain peace and tranquility in Northern Shan State. However, the insurgents committed destructive acts aiming to harm peace, stability and tranquility. So, we, the military, are going to launch counter-attacks on insurgents to protect the security, lives and properties of the people,” said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.