Cold spell may continue for three days across the country: DMH

Cold spell may continue for three days across the country: DMH
Published 27 November 2018
San Htoo Aung

Myanmar will have experience colder weather for about three days across the country due to low pressure area moving in from China, said Dr Kyaw Moe Oo, Director General of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

“The low pressure area from China has intensified and it may make the cold spell in Myanmar last for about two to three days. After that, the remains of rain clouds from a storm crossing over from Vietnam will make rainfall in southern parts of Myanmar. In the meantime, the low pressure area will not be strong and the temperature will be a little high. If the low pressure area intensifies again, the temperature will be lower. It is because of the wind coming from the North Pole,” he said.

Weather has been partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region, Kayah and Kayin states and generally fair in the remaining regions and states. Night temperatures were 5°C below November average temperature in northern Shan State, 4°C below November average temperature in Yangon Region, 2°C below November average temperatures in Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Ayeyawady regions, southern Shan, Rakhine and Kayah states.

Night temperature 15°C in Co Co Island, measured on November 26, broke its record for the lowest temperature in 59-year time.