Chinese ‘beggars’ arrested across Bangkok | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Chinese ‘beggars’ arrested across Bangkok | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Photo credit: The Nation
Photo credit: The Nation
Published 7 February 2019

Bangkok (The Nation) - Six Chinese people have been arrested for begging across Bangkok, Thai immigration chief Pol Maj-General Surachet Hakpal told a press conference on Wednesday.

Huang Yunlin, 54, Huang Genhua, 30, Lei Fengjun, 44, Li Baishan, 47, Lin Yajun, 34, and Lai Meilin, 32, were arrested near Ari and On Nut Skytrain stations late last week. 

They were charged for begging on the street, an offence under the Beggar Control Act 2016 which is punishable with up to one month in jail and a fine of Bt10,000.

Police found they were using tourist visas and reportedly over-staying for several months. They allegedly stayed together at a hotel in Soi Inthamara. 

Police said they would bring large amounts of coins to change into notes at convenience stores in the area before splitting the proceeds among themselves at the hotel.