Champassak tempting tourists for Visit Laos-China Year | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Champassak tempting tourists for Visit Laos-China Year | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Photo credit: Vientiane Times
Photo credit: Vientiane Times
Published 15 February 2019
Viengdavanh Banphahaksa

Vientiane (Vientiane Times) - Champassak is focusing on distinctive festivities and various initiatives in a bid to lure more tourists to the southern province during Visit Laos-China Year 2019.

Deputy Director of the provincial Information, Culture and Tourism Department, Ms Mala Chanthalam, told Vientiane Times yesterday that Champassak has improved many services and tourist attractions and is offering new and exciting activities as it prepares to welcome more visitors during the promotional year.

“We plan to improve the skills of tourism-related officials and tour guides as well as hotel and restaurant services, and improve the standard of the goods we produce,” she said.      

The elephant festival in Pathoumphon district and the Vat Phou festival are two important events this month aimed at drawing tourists.

The elephant festival was held last week in Kiet Ngong village, and included elephant and street parades, a baci ceremony for elephants, traditional performances by local students and other activities.

The department will hold the Vat Phou festival from February 17-19 with many interesting activities including a concert, parades by local residents from nine districts and an exhibition of local products. Festival admission is free with car parking set at 60,000 kip per vehicle.

The ruins of Vat Phou temple in Champassak district are more than 1,000 years old. The annual festival is held to revere the temple complex, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Tourists can enter the site from 8am to 5pm every day to worship at Buddha images and take pictures of the many ancient structures and panoramic views.

The provinces of southern Laos have numerous popular tourist sites, both nature-based and historical, Champassak is one such province and no one should miss a visit to this scenic region during their stay in the country.

The province has 216 officially designated tourist sites, including 116 natural, 60 cultural and 40 historical places of interest, but only 20 have any visitor facilities.

Among the natural wonders are Khonphapheng, Tad Fan and Tad Yeuang waterfalls, with activities ranging from adventure treks and ziplining to rest and recuperation in the lap of nature.  Visitors can also enjoy produce from the Bolaven Plateau, including its famed coffee.