Chairmen of press councils of Thailand and Myanmar visit EMG’s Headquarters

Chairmen of press councils of Thailand and Myanmar visit EMG’s Headquarters
Executive Director Min Thaw Htut clarifies stance, policy and operation of EMG in the presence of chairmen of press councils of Myanmar and Thailand.
Executive Director Min Thaw Htut clarifies stance, policy and operation of EMG in the presence of chairmen of press councils of Myanmar and Thailand.
Published 20 November 2019
Kyi Naing

Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee, Chairman of National Press Council of Thailand together with Ohn Kyaing, Chairman of Myanmar Press Council visited the Headquarters of Eleven Media Group in Thaketa Township, Yangon Region on November 18.

The chairmen of two press councils of Thailand and Myanmar and delegation members viewed the meeting hall, news hall, editorial hall, reporters hall, staff room, admin room, marketing room, and other media-related rooms existing on the respective floors of the headquarters as well as operational activities in the printing house. They were conducted round by Managing Director Dr. Thein Myint of the EMG, policy director and Eleven Broadcasting chief editor Wai Phyo, Weekly Eleven Journal and Daily Eleven chief editor Kyaw Zaw Lin and members of editorial team.

At the meeting hall of the headquarters of Eleven Media Group, a record video on background history of EMG and valuable experiences was shown to those present.

Next, Executive Director Min Thaw Htut clarified stance, policy and operational activities of EMG and then informal discussions were held.

The Thai media delegation led by Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee, Chairman of National Press Council of Thailand viewed each operational site of the Headquarters of EMG, studios of the broadcasting and printing press operations.

Dr. Than Htut Aung, Founder and Chairman of the EMG attended the dinner hosted by the EMG together with the chairmen of two press councils of Thailand and Myanmar and delegation members.

Also present at the dinner and the informal meeting were the managing director, chief editors, deputy chief editors, editors- in-charge and executive editors.

At the invitation of Myanmar Press Council, a six-member delegation of Thailand led by Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee, Chairman of National Press Council of Thailand arrived in Myanmar on November 17 and held meeting with Myanmar Press Council.

During the meeting, Chairman Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee of National Press Council of Thailand presented reports on efforts of Thailand Press Council and the situations of the journalists, Myanmar Press Council reported.

Next, endeavors of Myanmar Press Council, the situation of press freedom in Myanmar, the journalists facing charges, media conflicts and complaints were explained to those present.  Chairman Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee and members asked what they would like to know and Myanmar Press Council replied the queries.

The informal meeting focused on MoU signed between two press councils, progress of implementations and efforts to create the emergence of ASEAN press council.

The Myanmar Press Council and the National Press Council of Thailand signed MoU on mutual cooperation in February. According the provisions prescribed in the MoU, the matters relating to two press councils, media sector and role of journalists are under implementation.

Translated and Edited by Win Htut