Bomb explodes at office in Thahtone Myoma Market

Bomb explodes at office in Thahtone Myoma Market
Published 19 February 2022
Bo Bo Myint

MAWLAMYAING------A bomb exploded at the market leader’s office in Thahtone Myoma market, Mon State, yesterday morning, according to the local sources.

Due to the bomb blast, over 20 shops were damaged and at least 10 shoppers and shop owners were also injured.  Moreover, the escalator up toward the market leader’s office was collapsed.

“We heard a loud voice at about 11:15 am of February 18th. Later, we knew that a blast occurred at the Thahtone Myoma market. A blast destroyed the escalator, over 20 shops and the roofs of the market,” said a local from Thahtone Township.

The Social Welfare and Rescue Teams already sent the injured people to the Thahtone District People’s Hospital.

Likewise, an explosion took place at the Thahtone Myoma market situated on Yangon-Mawlamyaing road in Aukkhin Ward, Thahtone Township, Mon State, on May 4th of 2021. Although 4 shops and roofs of market were damaged, no one was hurt.

On December 3 morning also, a bomb went off in front of the township immigration department near the central market in Aukkhin Ward, Thahton Township, destroying the office door and two motorcycles.

At about 11 pm on December 2 also, a patrol vehicle carrying security forces was attacked with a mine near a restaurant in Aukkyin Ward, Thahton Township which was rocked by five bomb explosions on November 26th of last year. Most blasts occurred near ward administration offices, local people reported.