1,251 mines approved till October

1,251 mines approved till October
Published 13 November 2019


The government had granted permits to 1,251 mining sites ranging from large scale to small scale in various regions and states across Myanmar till October 2019, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

The permitted mining blocks are 112 in Kachin State, 18 in Kayah State, 46 in Kayin State, three in Chin State, 229 in Sagaing Region, 88 in Taninthayi Region, three in Nay Pyi Taw, seven in Bago Region, 54 in Magway Region, 333 in Mandalay Region, 24 in Mon State, one in Rakhine State, 95 in northern Shan State, 92 in eastern Shan State and three in Ayeyawady Region totalling 1,251.

In seeking permission for small-scale and meager-scale mining sites, region and state governments can allow if they are within their designated areas, said Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Ohn Win.