Water supply projects aim to distribute water to 80 pc of population in 2040

Water supply projects aim to distribute water to 80 pc of population in 2040
Published 11 September 2019


Yangon City Development Committee has drafted Yangon Water Supply Development Projects for 2040, in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in the master plan in order to fulfill water demands for the future increasing population along with the urban development, said Nyi Tun, the member of Nay Pyi Taw Council, on behalf of Yangon Region Government. 

Nyi Nyi Tun replied to the question raised by Lower House MP Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo from Hlaing Constituency, on the measures being taken for the water supply system for the future populations, at the regular session of Lower House Parliament in Nay Pyi Taw, on September 10.

According to the water supply projects included in the master plan, Yangon’s population is expected to reach around 10 million by 2040. The YCDC will supply water to 80 per cent of the total population, he added. 

Water Supply Division under the YCDC is distributing water to 33 townships in Yangon Municipal Area, via Hlawgar, Gyophyu, Phugyi and Ngamoeyeik Lakes. The YCDC supplies water via tube wells in townships in which the water supply is slow and there is no access to the pipeline system, he continued. 

The YCDC is supplying water 205 million gallons of water—14 million gallons from Hlawgar Lake, 27 million gallons from Gyophyu Lake, 54 million gallons from Phugyi Lake, 90 million gallons from Ngamoyeik Lake and 20 million gallons from the YCDC-owned tube wells—to 45 per cent of the total population every day.