Ward administrator in Tantsal shot dead

Ward administrator in Tantsal shot dead
Photo - CJ
Photo - CJ
Published 2 June 2021

Ye Tun, Administrator of Paw-U Ward, Tantsal Township, Sagaing Region was killed today morning, according to locals.

He was appointed as the Administrator of Paw-U Ward by the State Administration Council (SAC).

“He was fired for three times and died on the spot. It is the first time of a ward administrator being killed in Tantsal,” said a local.

Similarly, some buildings in a police outpost in Nabatgyi Village, Tantsal Township and ladder of school building in the village were destroyed by fire on the night of June 1, sources said.

In recent days, village administrator of Chukthin Village, Kanbalu Township was shot in a place between Pintthar and Chukgyi villages and injured in his thigh.

Moreover a member of Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) was shot dead in Khin-U Township, Shwebo District on May 28 and two village administrative members were killed with swords, according to locals.