Three homemade time bombs found in Thanphyuzayat school building

Three homemade time bombs found in Thanphyuzayat school building
No (1) Basic Education High School in Thanphyuzayat town (Photo-CJ)
No (1) Basic Education High School in Thanphyuzayat town (Photo-CJ)
Published 3 June 2021

Three homemade time bombs were discovered in a building of No (1) Basic Education High School in Thanphyuzayat town, Mon State, at about 6 am today (June 3), according to local sources.

Authorities have reportedly cleared the bombs that were hidden behind a dustbin in the school building. 

At about 8 am today also, a grenade was found near the signboard of No (2) Basic Education Middle School by the road to Yay-Asin Village in Aung Myitta Ward, Yay, local residents said.  

It was a US-made 91 type grenade and authorities came to clear it at about 10 am on that day.

An explosion occurred in the compound of a basic education high school in Kyaikkatha Village, Kyaikhto Township, Mon State, at about 1 am on June 1. A windshield glass on the ceiling was cracked by the explosion.