Sule Square is closed for only one day: MP

Sule Square is closed for only one day: MP
Temporary closure of Sule Square building (Photo-Thiha Aung)
Temporary closure of Sule Square building (Photo-Thiha Aung)
Published 8 September 2020
Aung Myo Thant & Thiha Aung

Sule Square building in Kyauktada Township is closed for only one day and it was not locked down, said MP Kyi Pyar of No.2 Kyauktada Constituency for Yangon Region Parliament on September 7.

“The disinfectants are sprayed in the building as a manager from Telenor Myanmar is found infected with the COVID-19 virus. The office room of Telenor Myanmar is located in 20th floor of the building but the manager was not come to the office for a long time. They sprayed disinfectants for precaution,” said the MP.

“The building is closed for one day and officials are holding a meeting,” said an official.

“The entrance of the building is closed since 9 am and the staffs coming to their offices in the building went back home. The entrance of the shopping mall in the building is still opened,” said a taxi driver.

Around 20 companies are resided in the building and more than 100 staffs are working in them, sources said.