State counselor asked for financial and other aid: lawyer

State counselor asked for financial and other aid: lawyer
Published 7 June 2021

As she did not want to accept help from authorities, the State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi had asked for financial aid for daily and medical use, according to Daw Min Min Soe, an attorney for Aung San Suu Kyi.

The lawyer said that she requested this after the June 7 trial at a special court in Nay Pyi Taw.

"She requested for the people to stay healthy. She also said that her family, especially the ones that were staying with her, is running out of money and whether I can do anything for them. She also asked for medicines that are needed twice a week. She did mention that she requested that of the officials and she said they said they will help her but she doesn't want that. That's why she asked me," said attorney Daw Min Min Soe.

Daw Min Min Soe also said that there are now a total of 9 others that are detained with her and that she had taken responsibility for those people,  with State Counselor saying to Daw Min Min Soe to negotiate with those in charge before giving them cash, rations and so on. 

Attorney U Khin Maung Zaw also said that while the State Counselor had requested for medicine, she had not sent them a list.

"She said the medicine is about to run out. She didn't say to buy it for her. She probably wants to do that part herself. I think we will have to inform about sending medicine to her through officials," said U Khin Maung Zaw.

He says that the State Counselor did not pleaded them for it but they are sharing the information she gave to the public for people to know. He suspects that she does not want any misunderstandings in regards to funds and so on.

It was also decided that her case will be decided within 180 days on June 7.