Sergeant’s car from Mandalay medical battalion attacked with homemade bomb, a woman injured

Sergeant’s car from Mandalay medical battalion attacked with homemade bomb, a woman injured
Photo- CJ
Photo- CJ
Published 26 December 2021

The car of a sergeant from No (1) Field Medical Battalion was attacked with a homemade mine injuring a woman nearby in Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay, on the morning of December 26, according to local sources.

The white Honda hijet with a number plate (4J-----) owned by the sergeant was attacked just after 7am on December 26 as it was parked between 80th and 81st Streets between 17th and 18th Streets in Maga Giri Ward, Aungmyaythazan Township. The car was burnt down and the window panes of a nearby house destroyed. Moreover, a 60-year-old woman, who was hanging up the clothes in the street, was injured to her right calf by flying glass pieces.

After the blast, authorities arrived at the scene for checks.

In Mandalay city, there have been frequent attacks on security forces and government offices and shootings and killings of service personnel and ward/village administrators after being accused of being military informants, local sources report.