SAC seals off home and belongings of Myanmar Thura Gems Company

SAC seals off home and belongings of Myanmar Thura Gems Company
Published 22 August 2022

NAYPYITAW------The owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company who provides cash assistance for armed groups in Mandalay and his driver were arrested and the authorities sealed off home and all belongings of the owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company, according to the announcement issued by State Administration Council (SAC) yesterday night.

Mon Thu Aung lived in Ye Mon (South) Ward in Maha Aungmyae Township, Mandalay Region, was arrested at his house for providing cash to the PDF members in the morning of August 17th. He said that he worked at the Myanmar Thura Gems Company as a driver. Kyaw Thura, an owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company, is now providing a lot of cash assistance to the PDF members.

The SAC announcement also reported that Kyaw Thura was arrested at his house situated between 34th and 35th Streets in Chanayetharzan Township, in the afternoon of August 17th. Later, Sigsauer Pistol and two magazines were seized at his bedroom in the compound of Myanmar Thura Gems Company in Namaphyit village, Hpa-Kant Township, Kachin State.

The announcement said that Kyaw Thura had provided over 600 million Kyats, Alphard car, US$ 10,000 and Yuan 19,000 to the protesters, CDM staffs, CRPH, NUG and PDF members. Therefore, Kyaw Thura and Mon Thu Aung must be taken actions against the existing laws and houses and all belongings being owned by the owner of Myanmar Thura Gems Company were sealed off in accordance with the anti-terrorism law.

The detained Kyaw Thura and Mon Thu Aung also said that other business partners who are investing in the gems industry are now providing the cash assistance to the PDF members including CDM staffs. So, the authorities are going to investigate those business partners and to take effectively actions against the existing laws, according to the SAC’s announcement.