Philipine Foreign Minisry denies Chinese workers taking jobs from Filipinos | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Philipine Foreign Minisry denies Chinese workers taking jobs from Filipinos | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. (File photo by BEN STANSALL / AFP)
Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. (File photo by BEN STANSALL / AFP)
Published 7 February 2019
Consuelo Marquez 

MANILA, Philippines (Philippine Daily Inquirer) — Chinese workers coming to the Philippines are not taking jobs from Filipinos, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teddy Locsin Jr. said on Twitter on Tuesday.

“Chill out. New Chinese get in via ‘visas upon arrival’ strictly administered by Immigration (not DFA) and do not take jobs from Filipinos,” Locsin said in a tweet.

According to Locsin, Chinese workers are hired for online gaming or gambling that has Mandarin characteristics.

“They are in online gaming in Mandarin or Gambling With Chinese Characteristics we cannot compete in. They are poor people like ours abroad,” he said.

The diplomat also asked the public to not be racist toward foreigners and indigenous peoples.

“Let’s not be racist; we are the last people who have the standing to be racist although we have much to be proud of as a people: we never engaged in mass murder of any foreign or indigenous peoples,” Locsin said in another tweet.

“Many Filipinos work in China and are protected from xenophobic outbursts by PLA,” he added.

Locsin’s remark was contrary from Sen. Joel Villanueva’s findings which found that some 119,000 Chinese tourists were able to work in the Philippines by circumventing labor rules.