Over 800,000 people have been displaced in Myanmar since last year, and the conflict is unlikely to decrease: UNHCR

Over 800,000 people have been displaced in Myanmar since last year, and the conflict is unlikely to decrease: UNHCR
Published 18 February 2022

The United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) says more than 800,000 people have been displaced in Myanmar since about a year ago, and the conflict is unlikely to decrease.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is stepping up its emergency response efforts to help hundreds of thousands of displaced people since February 2021, with more than 800,000 displaced. Security across the country is rapidly deteriorating as fighting, and armed conflict continue to escalate. The UNHCR predicts that displacement is likely to increase in the coming weeks and months.

Some 440,000 people have been newly displaced since February 2021, according to UNHCR data, adding to an existing 370,000 who had fled their homes previously.

Kayin, Kayah, Mon and Shan (South) states as well as Bago (East) and Tanintharyi regions collectively account for more than half of the 440,000 newly displaced civilians and about 190,000 people remain displaced in Chin State, Magway and Sagaing regions, according to the UNHCR.

Humanitarian access in many parts of Myanmar remains restricted due to insecurity, roadblocks and challenges in obtaining access approvals, it said.

The humanitarian situation in Myanmar remains precarious with increased vulnerabilities linked to rising commodity prices, job and income losses, disruptions to basic services and prolonged insecurity. The majority of IDPs are consequently dependent on humanitarian support for survival, it said.

Despite operational challenges, UNHCR continues to stay and deliver in Myanmar.

The agency remains committed to providing critical humanitarian assistance to those in need and calls for full, safe and unhindered humanitarian access across Myanmar, it said.

A total of US$56.7 million is needed to ensure adequate humanitarian assistance and support vulnerable communities in Myanmar, it said.

Priority would be given for maintaining basic safeguards, advocacy for improved access to fundamental rights, mitigating the risk of negative coping strategies, preventing forced returns and building resilience for over 1.2 million IDPs and stateless people in Myanmar, according to the statement.