Over 100,000 IDPs from Kayah State and Pekhon taking refuge in southern Shan State in desperate need of aid

Over 100,000 IDPs from Kayah State and Pekhon taking refuge in southern Shan State in desperate need of aid
Clothes being distributed to IDPs in Hsihseng Township. (Photo-Data For Myanmar)
Clothes being distributed to IDPs in Hsihseng Township. (Photo-Data For Myanmar)
Published 6 February 2022

More than 100,000 people have been displaced in Kayah State and southern Shan State, according to the figures released by Data For Myanmar on February 4.

Till January 16, there had been around 117,000 people displaced by fighting between the military and local resistance fighters, and they are now in urgent need of aid, Data For Myanmar quoted the report of Karenni Civil Society Network.

There are over 41,000 IDPs from Pekhon Township in southern Shan State and 68,265 from Demoso Township, 52,311 from Loikaw Township, 2,395 from Shadaw Township, 4,403 from Hpruso, 3,741 from Bawlakhe Township, 3,741 from Hpasawng Township and over 1,000 from Mese Township in Kayah State.

Those IDPs fleeing from Kayah State and Shan State’s township of Pekhon are taking refuge in some other townships of southern Shan State such as Taunggyi, Hsihseng, Pinlaung, Nyaungshwe, Kalaw, Yetsauk and Hopon, and they are in need of supplies, according to local charity organizations.

Hsihseng Township in PaO Self-Administered Zone alone has over 20,000 displaced people needing many supplies.

At the IDP camp in Pinlaung Township, volunteer teachers are teaching children. The camp also needs food and utensils.  

“As days go by, donors may be exhausted and we will need food including rice and cooking oil and medicines. For their health, doctors come to the camps to take care free of charge,” said an official from an aid organization in Hsihseng Township.

The IDP camps in Taunggyi Township are being help by the IDP assistance committee and several other aid organizations.