Nearly 2 million people displaced in precarious conditions and require humanitarian assistance: UNOCHA

Nearly 2 million people displaced in precarious conditions and require humanitarian assistance: UNOCHA
Published 19 October 2023

Myanmar has seen nearly 2 million people displaced by ongoing conflicts and then they required humanitarian assistances, according to UNOCHA.

Nearly 2 million people are now internally displaced in precarious conditions and require humanitarian assistance, says UNOCHA.

The UNOCHA reported that especially, there have been intensive clashes in Kachin State and south-east part of Myanmar. According to UN’s latest figure of UN, Myanmar has nearly 2 million displaced people as being of October 9. Among them, nearly 1.7 million people have been displaced people since February 1 of 2021.

Those nearly 2 million displaced peoples are now requiring humanitarian assistances including foods and shelters and medical assistances.

Moreover, hundreds thousands of Bago residents had abandoned their homes due to the heavy floods. Tens of thousands acres of farmlands were flooded so also crops were damaged. The torrential rains poured down at the border between Shan and Kayah states and it caused the landslide in Pekhone Township of Kayah State on October 9. Moreover, the heavy rains destroyed the road section between Pinlong and Pekhone townships of Shan State and Kayah State and it also delayed the transport of humanitarian assistances, according to the UNOCHA. 

So, local and international humanitarian partners continue to scale up and adapt in response to the deepening needs, reaching at least 1.8 million people during the first half of 2023.