Myanmar, the world’s leading opium producer, grapples with pervasive civil conflict and drug crisis (4)

Myanmar, the world’s leading opium producer, grapples with pervasive civil conflict and drug crisis (4)
Published 18 February 2024
Editorial Team

■ What kind of policy should China and Western countries choose to approach Myanmar?

Currently, Myanmar is not a country backed by the United States and Western Europe like Ukraine, but it is true that it is weak due to sanctions and pressure from all sides.

At that time, if a proxy war were to be waged by a super power country on Myanmar, the country would face the risk of disintegration.

On the other hand, if the powerful countries start a proxy war in Myanmar, they will not get any benefit from Myanmar.

Political analysts have also pointed out that rather than isolating Myanmar and imposing repeated sanctions, pro-democracy western countries should adopt a carrot and stick approach to Myanmar under the US President Obama's approach to Myanmar.

Western countries, including the United States, will need to evaluate and accept according to historical traditions that the ongoing conflicts are unlikely to be resolved by imposing sanctions on Myanmar.

As big countries that want to resolve the Myanmar issue, they should use the policy of ASEAN and India to not interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs, and help to achieve a real solution.

Similarly, China should take into account the bilateral friendship built with neighboring Myanmar since 1949 and the kinship relationship with Myanmar, which Myanmar first supported China’s independence, and should sincerely protect Myanmar through proxy war so that the fire of internal war does not flare up widely. If not, China will face criticism that Myanmar will become the first country to be conquered (colonized) by neighboring China when it becomes a superpower.

It is true that China, which has been colonized by the British for many years, does not want imperialist colonialism, so when China becomes a superpower, it should not support colonialism and support Myanmar's stability and work diligently for the interests of both countries.

In any case, in order to solve the current widespread civil war in Myanmar and the world's narcotics drug problem, both Myanmar and Chinese governments have the main responsibility, and it will be important for these two sides to be able to solve it correctly.

Regarding China, regardless of their denial of influence and involvement in the current situation in Myanmar, it is essential to critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of their direct or indirect support for armed opposition groups.

The leaders of these opposition armed groups, primarily situated along the China-Myanmar border, often have interests that extend into China. The use of the Chinese language in the areas they have conquered and China’s proxy-style actions, despite their Myanmar citizenship, have sparked numerous questions and criticisms regarding the stance of these armed groups.

In order to demonstrate respect for bilateral friendship, oppose colonialism, and prevent the further growth of opposition armed groups, China should take measures to control the spread of arms exports to Myanmar, particularly through the Wa group.If they do so, civil war in Myanmar will cease sooner or later and discussions for peace and stability will be more effective and can reduce narcotics drug challenges.

If not, there will be arms conflicts in Myanmar continuously and civil war will increase and narcotic drug problems may become bigger.

But, Myanmar isn’t a landlocked country like Afghanistan and if the drug problems become bigger, heroin produced from Myanmar will spread with momentum to neighbouring countries like Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, and India including China which share border length of 2,185 km (1,357 miles) with Myanmar.

As a consequence of armed conflicts in Myanmar and spread of civil war, narcotics drug problem will become a global challenge. Therefore, super power countries such as China and United States as well as countries monitoring Myanmar’s affairs need to be very cautious.

If we think carefully, narcotics drug problem is a bigger problem than online scams and need to be solved. Although the Chinese government is strictly controlling the narcotic drugs in their country, it may pose a threat to China as a result of increase in Myanmar’s civil war. Therefore, China needs to assist in solving the problems faced in Myanmar. Otherwise, China will face consequences as the saying goes, “They will reap what they sow.”